about us

Over time, stress accumulates, beginning with childhood trauma’s, teenage angst, adulthood, relationship breakdowns, parenting, work, disease and the passing of loved ones, essentially LIFE!

As life happened, I would focus on the family, my physical health, work, looking forward to vacations and any moment of peace. My coping mechanism was often food with wine and TV. Always looking for the next workout or self help book that would give me that edge to deal with the impending stressful events. With all my best efforts to living the “good life”, I still felt I was missing something. And that is when my intentional spiritual journey took off. I use the word intentional because we are all on a spiritual journey but most of us choose to ignore that important side of our being. In truth, it’s the most important component of our lives. When refilling your soul with just a few minutes everyday with intentional prayer and thoughts, all other facets will fall into place. All that daily self talk we do, those thoughts, are essentially our daily prayers. How our we nurturing those thoughts? Our we powering them with our earthly will or our Divine will? That is where the magic happens. That is the power of our heart, the chooser. For over a decade, I have been nurturing my Spirit, and it has opened my Soul to consciously receiving peace and given me resilience and assurance that life is far beyond our 5 senses and more loving and supportive then we can perceive.

During my journey, I have studied, met and cultivated a practice with very dedicated and devoted people. First Matt Kahn, Healer and Ascended Master, devoting to loving our heart and inner child with his “hand to heart and I love you” mantra’s. So simple but yet powerful! Second, Carolyn Myss, a medical intuitive, teaches about understanding our energy systems, the chakra’s, our archetypes that influence our daily lives and the Power of Grace. Lastly, Micheal Mirdad, that brought it all together, Spiritual healer, teacher and author who cultivates a daily practice to aligning to our highest consciousness, Christ Consciousness.

I have my certification in Lotus Light Therapy with Nadine Dupuis and World Peace Usui/ Holy Fire III Reiki Master with Pam Allen-Leblanc, ICRT . I have also studied other modalities such as A Course in Miracles, the Power of Conscious Prayer, Hands on Healing, Advanced skills in spiritual counselling and Living Mastery. My dedication to consistent daily practice aligning with Divine source, willingness to heal my own wounds and keep an open heart to receive Divine guidance has renewed my faith in my intuition and has opened up my ability to allow the flow of healing energy.

Everyday, I allow, Holy Divine Spirit, to be my teacher, guide and healer.

Monique Thebeau